3. Assembling and Hanging the Fan Note: Your Hunter fan comes with an optional downrod extension Note: Your Hunter fan comes with an optional downrod extension pipe. If you are hanging the fan on a ceiling higher than 10 feet tall pipe. Enter your model number, typically located on the top of your fan motor on a Hunter tag, and we’ll find the right documentation for you. Ceiling Fan Parts and Accessories Hunter fan parts like light kits, downrods, replacement shades, and even specialty bulbs can keep your fan running right. Parts for ceiling fans, electronic modules, switches, etc. For casablanca, hunter, homestead, and most all fan brands. Located in Damon, Texas. The electric fan was invented in the 1880s in the sweltering heat of the New Orleans summer. Over the years the design was adapted and tweaked, with the first recognisably modern electric fans being produced in the 1920s. They’re popular retro collectors items. Here’s how to identify one. Brand and model.

Old Hunter Fan Model Identification

Offline I recently bought an old Seeker Oscillating fan át a flea market for my 1st fan recovery project. I blindly compensated $25, not really purchasing for no more than design. I bring back collectibles and this fan will become my very first. I cannot seem to find any details or background about this particular Hunter fan. I know the Century versions and Zephair models are identical, but some of the features are not really similar to my fan (wooden oscillating control and the hunter brand title plated on BOTH sides of the cutter guard, not just one part as the Centuries or Zephair).

Find great deals on eBay for hunter fan vintage. Vintage Hunter Ceiling Fan Model. VINTAGE FAN ANTIQUE FAN GE FAN HUNTER KIDNEY VINTAGE FAN BRASS BLADE FAN OLD. Ceiling Fan Hunter Select Your Hunter Ceiling Fan Model Popular Ceiling Fan Models. We Have 353 Models. Need help finding your model number? 52' Ceiling Fan. 1886 Limited Edition Mdblk. Popular Hunter Ceiling Fan Parts. Wire Harness. $28.50 Special Order Rubber Blade Grommet. Top 6 Technical Faults with a Hunter Ceiling Fan; DC vs AC Ceiling Fans. Top 6 Technical Faults with a Hunter Ceiling Fan. Troubleshooting a Hunter Ceiling Fan. If your model is very old and obsolete then we will replace it with the nearest current equivalent model. We can only do this for fans purchased from us (and we have been around. Top 6 Technical Faults with a Hunter Ceiling Fan. If your model is very old and obsolete then we will replace it with the nearest current equivalent model.

Do any of you enthusiasts know if this will be a uncommon Hunter fan or probably have got an idea of some background please? Thanks, Glenn The fan can be in great workin condition with primary electrical componets it seems.

Three swiftness (1,2,3) 110-120 Volts 60 Cycles 0.75 AMPS / SerialL# A.Gary the gadget guy. 265 TYPE C-16. The foundation is usually 9' Top TO Back again 8' Wide Enthusiast Blades Lightweight aluminum 16' 21 1/2' TALL Attached Image (viewed 3052 periods): Submitted: Tue February 8th, 2011 08:28 pm AFCA Member Became a member of: Thu August 2nd, 2007 Location:, Status. Offline I have got taken out both badges from each part right today as I have always been washing the crate. Both badges have got Hunter just on each.

It is interesting that the knob is not original. The solid wood knob gives the fan a bit more classic look. The mess on the button does not really seem quality, but blends with the appearance in the vision of an amatuer fan extractor like myself. Will the Serial# have got any identification or age meaning? Thank you therefore very much for your responses so much. Attached Image (viewed 2793 moments): Published: Tue Feb 8tl, 2011 09:10 evening AFCA Member Joined up with: Tue Jul 7th, 2009 Location: Standing.

Offline Thanks for the info. Seems like a 'Héntz' 57 fan to me or a rare mystery Seeker fan. I will place the badges back again on the fan and picture. Both badges are printed Seeker in the same style pattern and dimension, but the letters are offset on the opposing side of the badges to differentiate that 1 was produced to end up being on the right side of the competition and on the additional badge on the left aspect. The badge letters are not based in a style where the badges are usually identical. If the badges both acquired structured lettering, it would appear the model badge (Century/Zephair) may have been missing and changed with a Badge from another fán. Both badges possess identical put on and rip.


I feel scratching my mind on this one. Submitted: Tue Feb 8th, 2011 11:12 pm Guest Joined: Thu Mar 6tl, 2008 Location:, Position. Offline Chip, Sorry I did not get back again with you quicker.

Work drawn me out of wallet for a while. You folks are excellent. I chance a image of the badges in location as you required. What perform you think about this 'unusual basketball' logo arranged. If it has been a Zephair, wouldnt it have Zephair on that correct badge? Observe each badge design can be the exact same as well as the waré tare.

Old Hunter Fan Model Identification

But thé format are off middle as though thé badges where meant to end up being various for each side. Attached Picture (viewed 2786 moments): Posted: Wed Feb 9tl, 2011 01:52 pm Guest Became a member of: Area: Position.

Older Hunter Ceiling Fan Models

Old Hunter Fan Model Identification Number

Offline I recently bought an old Seeker Oscillating fan át a flea marketplace for my first fan restoration project. Xforce keygen download. I blindly paid $25, not really really buying for no more than decor. I restore antiques and this fan will be my first. I cannot seem to discover any information or background about this particular Seeker fan. I understand the Century versions and Zephair versions are similar, but some of the functions are not identical to my fan (solid wood oscillating control and the hunter brand name name plated on BOTH sides of the knife guard, not just one part as the Centuries or Zephair).

Do any of you enthusiasts know if this can be a rare Seeker fan or probably have got an concept of some history please? Thanks, Glenn The fan will be in excellent workin problem with unique electrical componets it appears. Three velocity (1,2,3) 110-120 Volts 60 Series 0.75 AMPS / SerialL# A.Gary the gadget guy. 265 TYPE Chemical-16. The bottom is usually 9' FRONT TO Back again 8' Wide Enthusiast Blades Light weight aluminum 16' 21 1/2' High Attached Image (viewed 3052 times): Published: Tue Feb 8th, 2011 08:28 pm AFCA Associate Joined up with: Thu Aug 2nd, 2007 Location:, Position. software, free download for windows 7.


Offline I possess eliminated both badges from each aspect right now as I are washing the crate. Both badges possess Hunter only on each. It can be interesting that the knob is not primary. The wooden knob gives the fan a little bit more classic look. The screw on the knob does not seem characteristic, but blends with the look in the eyesight of an amatuer fan enthusiast like myself. Will the Serial# have got any identification or age group meaning?

Give thanks to you therefore much for your opinions so much. Attached Image (viewed 2793 occasions): Posted: Tue Feb 8tl, 2011 09:10 evening AFCA Member Joined: Tue Jul 7tl, 2009 Place: Position. Offline Thanks a lot for the information. Sounds like a 'Héntz' 57 fan to me or a rare mystery Hunter fan. I will put the badges back on the fan and photo.

Both badges are printed Seeker in the same style pattern and size, but the words are counteract on the opposite aspect of the badges to differentiate that 1 was produced to be on the right part of the dog crate and on the additional logo on the remaining part. The logo letters are not structured in a style where the badges are similar. If the badges both got structured lettering, it would show up the model badge (Millennium/Zephair) may have been missing and replaced with a Logo from another fán.

Both badges have got identical put on and rip. I was scratch my head on this one. Published: Tue Feb 8th, 2011 11:12 evening Guest Became a member of: Thu Scar 6tl, 2008 Location:, Position. Offline Chip, Sorry I did not get back again with you faster.

Work taken me out of wallet for a while. You people are excellent. I shot a picture of the badges in place as you requested. What perform you believe about this 'odd golf ball' badge set. If it had been a Zephair, wouldnt it possess Zephair on that right badge?

Hunter Fan Costco

Notice each badge design is the same as nicely as the waré tare. But thé structure are away center as though thé badges where supposed to become different for each part.

Attached Image (viewed 2786 times): Published: Wed February 9th, 2011 01:52 pm Guest Joined: Area: Status.